


couch和sofa在同樣都是沙發,Sofa 和Couch 有什麼不同呢? . .... - 好俬 ...的討論與評價

同樣都是沙發,Sofa 和Couch 有什麼不同呢?· . . 雖然兩個字翻成中文都是沙發但其實是有差別的喔! . . Sofa 指的是▸兩側有扶手▸座位數量較多(三人以上) ▸造型 ...

couch和sofa在Sofa vs. Couch: What Are the Differences - Overstock.com的討論與評價

The words “couch” and “sofa” are often used to describe the same piece of furniture, but couches and sofas actually differ slightly in construction, style, and ...

couch和sofa在couch和sofa的区别是什么 - 星火网校的討論與評價

sofa 与couch这两个词都有“沙发”的意思,其区别是: 1、sofa:有扶手和靠背,可供多人坐或一个人睡的长沙发,也泛指沙发。


    couch和sofa在每日英語第342期:love seat是什麼? - 台部落的討論與評價


    couch和sofa在"sofa" 和"couch" 和"lounge" 的差別在哪裡? | 健康跟著走的討論與評價

    sofa. 指有靠背(back)和扶手(arms)的長椅,又叫couch。通常寬可三人並坐的叫sofa ... , 相信許多單字大家都不陌生,但小編這次以家中不同的區域來分類,替大家整理了這些 ...

    couch和sofa在"sofa " 和"couch " 的差別在哪裡?的討論與評價

    2017年6月9日 — Couch is from French and Sofa is from Arabic. Couches are more casual and Sofas are (supposed to be) more decorative.

    couch和sofa在What's The Difference: Couch Vs. Sofa? - Elle Decor的討論與評價

    Sofas are typically associated with hosting and formal occasions, according to eBay. They may seat four or more people, compared to a couch, ...

    couch和sofa在区别辨析couch与sofa - 田间小站的討論與評價

    区别辨析couch与sofa ... 这两个名词均可表示“沙发”之意。 couch : 指供昼夜坐卧,似床一样的长沙发或睡椅。 ... sofa : 指有扶手和靠背,可供多人坐或一个人 ...

    couch和sofa在Is It a Couch or a Sofa? - VOA Learning English的討論與評價

    However, some people consider the word “couch” to be less formal than “sofa.” And sofas might sound as though they are more costly and refined ...

    couch和sofa在The Actual Difference Between a Couch and Sofa ...的討論與評價

    The term "couch" is believed to have come from the French word "couche," which is used to describe "a piece of furniture with no arms used for lying." On the ...

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